Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A look at the Ultimate 20 (U20)

So what is the "U20" that I'll be racing on Wednesdays?
Here are some details I culled from the web.
First, the technicalities... here's a nice description from a U20 the website:
The Ultimate 20 is a Road Warrior in a trailerable's skin. This 20-footer may in fact be the prototypical modern budget racer. Its strength is in how it combines several attributes. Borrowing from traditional dinghies, it's truly trailerable. With the keel raised and the transom hung rudder stowed, the Ultimate rides low and steady. At only 1,100 pounds, it can be towed by a six-cylinder vehicle or even a gutsy four-banger.

There's such a large fleet (number of them) in Colorado, that if you Google "U20 Sailboat," the second result is to the Denver Sailing Association.
But I digress. Some photos:
Here is an action shots of it, with a crew of 3 and the spinnaker up:

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